Clarkston City Council- May 22, 2023


1. Call To Order 00:00:03

2. Pledge Of Allegiance 00:00:07

3. Roll Call 00:00:28

Mayor Haven, Mayor Pro Tem Wylie Council Members: Casey, Forte, Fuller , Lamphier, Rodgers.

4. Approval Of Agenda 00:00:56

5. Public Comments 00:04:02

Individuals have the opportunity to address the City Council on topics not on the agenda for three minutes. In order to hear all Individuals comments at a reasonable hour, the City Council request that speakers respect the three-minute time limit. Note: this is not a question-answer session. However, it is an opportunity to voice your thoughts with City Council.

6. FYI 00:07:43

7. City Manager Report 00:07:59


8. Acceptance Of Consent Agenda As Presented 00:12:44

Final Minutes: 04.24.2023 Draft Minutes: 05.08.2023 Treasurer's Report: 05.22.2023 Documents:

9. Old Business 00:13:38

9A. Tabled Motion: St. Dan's Church proposed procession in the City on June 11th 00:13:43

9B. Resolution: Recommendations of the Parking Advisory Committee 00:20:26


10. New Business 01:01:44

10A. Presentation: Jeremiah Clark Sons of the Revolution 01:01:57

11. Public Hearing: 2023/24 FY Budget 01:10:44

11A. Call to Order 01:10:55

11B. Presentation of the Draft 2023/24 FY Budget 01:11:05


11C. Public Comments for Public Hearing 02:10:39

1. Individuals have the opportunity to address the City Council on the Public Hearing item, limiting their comments to three minutes. If you would like a response, please fill out a form with your name, address and summary of your subject for the record. Please come up to the Podium to speak after the Mayor has called you.

11D. Adjourn: Public Hearing 02:12:53

12. Adjourn 02:13:05

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