Due to a miscommunication in the start time of the meeting, the first two agenda items were not recorded. We're able to pick up the meeting at the third agenda item.
3.1 You are given two opportunities to address the board: 3.1.1 Under Item 3.1 you can request to address the board about any topic that is on tonight’s agenda; or 3.1.2 Under Item 9 you are welcome to address the board on any topic. When making comments, please state your name and address. Direct your comments to the Board President. Each person may speak for up to two (2) minutes. Per established procedures, the Board will not respond to questions or interact with the speaker during public comment.
John Lucido (att)
Nancy Mahoney (att)
Wes Goodman/Mary Beth Rogers (att)
Kelli Horst (att)
Citizens are welcome to address the board on any topic at this point on the agenda.
Board Retreat – Clarkston Family Farm. The meeting was adjourned from the Clarkston Family Farm.